
Dp the analysis yourself

> Basketball <

Would you like to know if your favorite player or coach would perform better if he was a part of a different team? Maybe with a new team he would perform better and the team could win? Our test will show you the results of the synchronicity of energy between:

    1. The player and the coach
    2. The player and the top 2 players
    3. The player and the whole team


    1. The coach and the top 5 players (you choose them)
    2. The coach and the whole team


Remember that the higher the synchronicity result, the better the cooperation between the tested players.

To get the results of the analysis you need to:

Step 1. In the first field enter the gender, name and date of birth of the player or the coach who is changing teams.

Step 2. In the next 5 fields enter the names and gender of the coach and the best players or only the best players (you choose them).


Step 3. In the grey fields enter the data of the other players in the same way.

Step 4. Enter your e-mail address to which we will send the results of the analysis.

Step 5. Press the „CHECK” button and check your mailbox.

You decide what results you get. If you are only interested in the energy synchronicity result between the player, who is changing teams, and the top 2 players or the potential coach, fill in the red fields only and skip the other fields. You don't have to fill in all the fields, the number of people depends on your expectations.

Remember that our test does not evaluate the skills of the players but only checks the energy compatibility produced by all members of the team.